I should really learn to ask more questions. Not only 'why' questions and 'can' questions but 'should' questions. For example, should a 9 month pregnant woman with two kids under 5 decide with her husband to move into a 600 square foot, 1 bedroom house? Sure there are plenty of reasons why. It definitely can be done. But should it be done?
I really dislike dumb questions.
Anyway, unless someone gets hit by a bus or some other tragedy, we will move from our 1200 square foot, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home into a 600 square foot rental on my parents 3 acre property in less than 4 weeks. There is one bedroom and a postage stamp sized bathroom. Brother and Sister will sleep in the closet in custom made bunks. When Little Brother makes his appearance, he will be with the Fireman and I. I'm thinking baths will be taken in a whiskey barrel in the kitchen.
All the goats, sheep, rabbits, chickens and bees will make the journey with us. We decided to keep them outside instead of in the house with us. It would just be too crowded.
Everybody has unique lives that are interesting and valuable in important ways. I realized today that our little family's decisions on how we are about to live our lives may be interesting to some people too. Or something to laugh at. Or at least to make you feel better about yourself.
Here try this out.
That's my kitchen right now. Sink overflowing with dishes because the dishwasher didn't get started and I can't reach past my belly to get to the sink. Moving boxes. Goodwill boxes. Giveaway boxes. Packing materials. A random pile of laundry that has sat on my kitchen table for days. See, feel better?
Or try this.
Can you see my feet? Yeah, neither can I.
Brother and Sister seem to be handling the slight craziness well.
Especially since they get to be in their jammies at lunch on the porch.
The Fireman seems to be happy.
Hmm, well he would be much happier if I would stop trying to fix up the house before we move.
And me? Oh, I'm happy. Look at all those pictures worth of things for me to be happy about. A kitchen. A dishwasher. My kids. My new baby. A husband. Sunshine. Opportunity.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
I hope I can keep y'all updated. It's sure to be an adventure!
My Playlist:
Josh Garrels iTunes Radio